Open enterprise

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A new form of enterprise adopting a network structure, open to participation, such as a permissionless network. Examples: Sensorica, Bitcoin, etc. Participation is open to anyone who wants to contribute, as is the case with any open source project. Calls for participation are usually broadcasted through social media and other similar channels. In order to ease the integration of new participants, everything about the project is published with public access, keeping with the open-source tradition of full transparency.

An open enterprise is a self-sustaining economic operation that clusters mature open projects (the ones that have generated exchange value, i.e. products / services) into business operations. The open enterprise level is the value capturing level. The main role of the open enterprise is to capture the value created at the project level, by offering the exchange value to the market. In doing so, the open enterprise generates revenue, which is redistributed back to all contributors to the enterprise behind these products and services.

An open enterprise can be forked and remixed (like open source code can be forked and remixed).

Note its ability to bypasses traditional centralized and controlled processes, scarce monetary currency, and the labor market.

An open enterprise is driven by collaborative entrepreneurs, see more on [exchange value collaborative entrepreneurship on Sensorica]

See also venture

Three new economic tendencies

For all three:

  • use of excess capacity;
  • access to a resource rather than its possession;
  • pooling of goods and knowledge.

Features Platform capitalism Platform coop p2p
coordination of citizens and organizations in networks or communities Hosted in privately owned and profit motivated platforms Hosted in collectively owned and public benefit oriented platforms Hosted in platforms not owned by anyone that are public benefit oriented.
a more horizontal than vertical organization of trade Hyper centralized at the platform level, command and control governance Hyper centralized at the platform level, democratic governance Decentralized at the platform level, meritocratic governance
greater ease of conducting activities or providing services Platform architecture designed with profit motive in mind, rapid evolution, good UI/UX, siloed Platform architecture designed with public benefit in mind, slow evolution, mediocre UI/UX, siloed Platform architecture designed with public benefit in mind, rapid evolution, good UI/UX, higher interoperability
intermediation, often through digital platforms Privately owned and instrumentalized for profit maximization Collectively owned and instrumentalized for public benefit Not owned and instrumentalized for public benefit

see reference
