Definition: an agent (person or organization) that speaks, acts, or is present officially for someone else.
In the context of OVNs agency is distributed. OVNs don't have de facto mechanisms of representation.
Network attacks
The page on Network attacks discusses vectors that exploit false representation.
Related to liability
See Custodian, a legal interface created first by Sensorica to interface with the legal system and to governmental institutions.
See also Exchange firm, a legal interface with the market, dealing with legal representation for product liability.
For public presentations
A practice was established in Sensorica to include a disclaimer at the beginning of every public presentation that describes Sensorica or the OVN model. This disclaimer was the following up until August 7th 2924 when this text was updated (see if modified).
- Sensorica is an Open Value Network (OVN). Here I may present my own understanding and vision of Sensorica and of the OVN model. The OVN model and Sensorica are the result of collaborative work. Some of my views might not reflect the views of these collaborators. No individual that operates within the Sensorica OVN can represent the entire network, unless this role has specifically been granted, for a limited duration, through a referendum process, in which case this individual and his/her representative powers are published in Sensorica’s legit registry.
Propagation mechanism
- A presentation template was created with the disclaimer text, which is tagged as "TEMPLATE" within Sensorica's documentation system, providing it with a high probability of use.
- This template was linked from a tutorial about presentations, which was tagged "HELP" within Sensorica's documentation system, providing the presentation template with a high finding probability.