Value stream

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Value streams are representations of flows of valuables within an OVN. These flows are dependent on the nature of the value system underlying the OVN. They usually describe how things acquire value (i.e. become valuable) within the system, from a simple form to a higher form.

The value stream can end with a point of consumption. This can be the market for a specific product or service, the network itself (things that we use and share), or society at large (things that create well-being). It starts with an idea and gets built up by contributions.

The NRP-CAS uses different mechanisms to evaluate contributions to value streams. This is done in an NRP process as

  • work contributions - use of time and skills
  • use - of space, equipment, etc.
  • consume - materials like glue, office supplies, etc.
  • cite - use of designs, protocols and methods, etc.

The benefits distribution algorithm uses the value stream in order to redistribute benefits to points of origin of all contributions.

Valuables flow through and within the OVN by different processes:

  • involving the larger ecosystem
    • donations - flows in, can be grants, simple donations, etc.
    • exchanges - can flow in our out, purchases or sales
    • affiliations - new relations of collaboration or co-creation, where resources are shared
  • within the OVN
    • contributions - come from network affiliates and result in equity

See also