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Of resources

See Legacy doc about Sensorica inventory/materials management systems

The NRP-CAS system, part of the OVNi has a catalogue of all resources available for and used by any OVN affiliates. See an implementation of inventory in the server-client NRP-CAS: Sensorica's Inventory.

Unlike the inventory of a traditional organization, where all the catalogued assets legally belong to the organization (under private property regime) the inventory of an OVN is a catalogue of assets under various property regimes, geographically scattered. Sensoricans call that a pool of shareables. For example, a physical space can be someone's property or be managed by a nonprofit organization (see Custodian), a 3D printer in that space can belong to an individual that has decided to provide access to other affiliates that frequent the space (to share it), under a set of rules, a laser cutter may belong to a group of individuals (shared property) and a CNC machine can belong to an coop (communally shared property). Through the OVN model, with the help of the NRP-CAS IT infrastructure (tool) security and incentives are provided for sharing, for enticing people to bring their own materials into a shared space or to list them in the inventory and provide access to use under certain conditions. This aggregated network inventory composed of assets under various property regimes gives raise to the nondominium form of property for the entire emergent capacity of the network. In other words, the overall innovation and production capacity of the network is composed of assets under various property regimes, but overall it is under the nondominium property regime.


Governance associated with access to materials part of a pool of shareables. The intent in designing such governance is to provide security for agents / affiliates to share material assets that they may want to keep under private property regime. These rules are also concerned with safety and security of use. For example access to a specific equipment may require a set if credentials, some training. The rules also speak about the process of accessing an equipment, scheduling, contribution to its maintenance, the use of a particular methods (sequence of actions), etc.

The OVN model prescribes synergistic and sustainable use, and reciprocity.

See Sensorica's Rules related to the use and sharing of materials

See also